Amidst emotions, Yobe Assembly honours retired information director

Amidst emotions, Yobe Assembly honours retired information  director

Mr. Wakil receiving gift from Deputy Speaker, Saidu Baba, Clerk watching

The Director Information Yobe State House of Assembly Mohammed Wakil today Wednesday bowed out of the Yobe State Civil Service.

Mohammed Wakil who has attained the mandatory 60 years of retirement age according to the Civil Service rules was honoured  by the State House of Assembly at an occasion which was full of emotions held at the Conference Hall of the State House of Assembly.

Clerk of the State House of Assembly, Ishaku Mohammed described the event as one of "sadness and happiness".

According to him, the House will miss Mr. Wakil because of the huge vacuum his has created following his exit from service, but however added that, the House equally rejoices with him at the moment of his retirement having received the grace from Allah to serve his country and state diligently.

The Clerk called on the information department of the House of Assembly to sustain the innovations and legacies of Mohammed Wakil especially the publication of the House Journal which Mr. Wakil has nurtured and produced over the years.

He noted that the House will continue to rely of his wealth of experience and from time to time request for his services whenever the need comes.

In his address, the Deputy Speaker, Yobe State House of Assembly, Saidu Baba who also stood in for the Speaker of the House described Mohammed Wakil as a loyal and dedicated staff who has maintained an excellent working relationship with members of the house and the staff as well.

Hon. Saidu Baba noted that the outgoing director who is well loved by the Assembly will be missed greatly.

He called on young people to emulated the virtues and  personality of Mr. Wakil which he said is an embodiment of humility and loyalty.

In his remarks, Mr. Wakil, though very emotional with few words called on all whom he has offended to forgive him in the course of performing his duties while in service, just as he expressed gratitude to Allah for sparing his life to witness the last day of his civil service career.

At a sideline interview with ImpactOnlineNigeria, Mr. Wakil said he is retired but not tired, as he promsised continue to offfer himself anytime he is called for the service of his motherland.

"First of all, thanks goes to God for giving me the previlage to even see this time because there are a number of people that we started togther that did not see this day.

"I am grateful all the  members  and  staff of  the House for making my work easier because of the cooperation i have enjoyed from them during my work.

"I want to say I am satisfied and fulfilled with my career in the civil service because i never shy away from advice in the course of my work.  As a professional, I  take advice from collegues and anybody. And i am satified for leaving the civil service today. I thank the NUJ too and some of you for the synergy we have enjoyed over the years.

Wakil in group pic with Deputy Speaker & other members, staff of YBSHA.

"I want to say that as a journalist, I am not tired because I will continue to contribute my qouta to the development of the the state and the nation at large," Mr. Wakil said.

Mohammed Wakil has worked in different ministries in the state before his last posting to the State House of Assembly where he has contributed to the growth of the House.

According to the Deputy Speaker, Mr. Wakil has created visibility to Yobe State House of Assembly.

ImpactOnlineNigeria checks gathered that the information depart of the House under Mr. Wakil's watch effectively  coordinated  a robust partnership between Development Partners and the State House of Assembly  like DFID which witness astronomical progress in reforms especially in Budget process and citizens engagement implemented by State Accountability and Voice Initiative(SAVI) which started in 2008 and ended in 2016.

The SAVI program came to an end in April 2016. The same management team are now implementing the follow-up program, the Engaged Citizens Pillar of the new DFID-funded Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) program in Nigeria, which started in May 2016.

Highlights of the event was the presentation of gifts to Mr. Wakil by the Deputy Speaker, Saidu Baba and the Clerk of the House Ishaku Mohammed.



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