Gov. Gaidam dissolves cabinet ahead of tenure expiration tomorrow …says he has made Yobe a better place

Gov. Gaidam dissolves cabinet ahead of tenure expiration tomorrow
…says he has made Yobe a better place
The farewell Exco chaired by Gov. Ibrahim Gaidam.

Outgoing Yobe State Governor Ibrahim Gaidam has dissolved the state Executive Council as his tenure winds up tomorrow.

The Governor who made the dissolution today after a valedictory council meeting and thanked all member of the executive council for their contribution to the success of his administration  
Gov. Ibrahim Gaidam in his address boasted that he has made Yobe a better place for everyone to live in than he met it.

Below is the full text of his address:
“I have a great pleasure to warmly welcome you to the valedictory session of the State Executive Council. As you are no doubt aware, the tenure of the present administration will end on Wednesday, 29th May 2019. This last Executive Council session, therefore, is an historic occasion for all of us.
“ I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate and congratulate each member who has had the privilege to serve on the Council at various times from 2009 to date on our achievements. The big successes which our tenure recorded was a result of hard work, commitment, sacrifice and patience. For a better appreciation of the services we rendered to make our people’s life better, permit me at this point to reflect on the journey so far.

“ A little over ten years ago when this administration came on board, the State was characterized by poor infrastructural facilities. These include inadequate township and intra state roads, dilapidated educational and health structures, inadequate water supply, low agricultural productivity as well as institutional decay in governance. In order to turn around the situation, we embarked on far reaching policies, programmes and reforms. Our guiding principles were good governance, accountability, transparency and value for money spent on the provision of services. In a matter of hours, our tenure will be over, but we can look back with satisfaction and smile because a lot of things had happened. The State University we established has been described as the fastest growing institution in Northern Nigeria. The State of Emergency we declared on health has transformed the sector and attracted commendations and awards. Yobe is gradually being transformed into a medical tourism haven.

“Recently, the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) released a report which indicated that due to our realistic budget, Yobe is one of the eight solvent States and in fact the only State that can fund 2019 budget from combined Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC) allocations for 2017 and 2018. Furthermore, the National Bureau for Statistics report for 2017 indicated that Yobe has achieved over 75% coverage of the State in provision and improvement of potable water supply. Ours is one of the few administrations in the country which succeeded in cutting its coat according to its size. We were workers friendly because we paid salaries, pensions and gratuities as and when due. We are leaving a clean slate in this respect. It is also a matter of pride that all our policies, projects and programmes, most of which have been completed were executed without recourse to domestic or external loans.

Some members of Yobe Exco meeting earlier today.

“One of the imperatives of Government is to protect lives and property of its citizens. It is this area that posed the greatest challenge to our administration. The Boko Haram insurgency especially during the period 2011 – 2014 resulted in loss of numerous lives and destruction of properties. We rose to the occasion by assisting security agencies and complementing the efforts of the Federal Government. As we come to the end of our tenure, all but one of the abducted Dapchi Secondary School girls have been freed. We have also reconstructed a number of public structures destroyed by the insurgents. We are leaving Yobe that is relatively peaceful. We are leaving the stage optimistic that we have raised the stakes of governance to a high pedestal that never will the people accept a reversal of gains made and back to the old order of doing things.

“As I indicated earlier, today we are not sad but rather smiling that we were part of all that I have enumerated. As members of the outgoing State Executive Council, you should hold your head high that you are part of the present administration which has recorded all these tremendous achievements. I thank you most sincerely for serving on the Council and wish you success in all your future endeavours.

“Thank you. May the Almighty Allah (SWT) bless you and our State”.


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