For the records: Full text of Yobe State Program Coordinator, Multi-Sectoral Crisis Recovery Project for North-East, Musa Idi Jidawa at the project's distribution flag off of recovery kits to Boko Haram victims and members of host communties in Damaturu

Mr. Jidawa presenting his address at the event


Your Excellency
The Executive Governor of Yobe state
Hon. Mai Mala Buni (Chiroman Gujba),

Your Excellency
The Deputy Governor of Yobe
Alhaji Idi Barde Gubana (Wazirin Fune),

The Hon. Speaker
Yobe State House of Assembly
Right Hon. Ahmed Lawan Mirwa,

The Secretary to the State Government
Alhaji Baba Mallam Wali Mni,

The Head of Service
Surveyor Usman Hassan Maraya,

Permanent Secretaries,

Heads of Boards, parastatals and extra ministerial departments,

Your Royal Highness, the Emir of Damaturu
Alhaji Shehu Hashimi II Ibn Umar El-Ameen Elkanemi

Community leaders present,

Distinguished invited guests

Gentlemen of the press,

Ladies and gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to this important occasion. Today, we are here to witness the flag off of the distribution of transitional support materials towards stabilization and self-reliance of targeted beneficiaries across different communities in Yobe state.

Your Excellency, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to crave your indulgence to, first of all, reflect on the background of this project.

The Multi-sectoral Crisis Recovery Project for North-East Nigeria (MCRP) is a government of Nigeria project, funded by the World Bank and implemented in three states of the North-East, namely: Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states. The project aims to improve livelihoods of affected communities by facilitating recovery from the negative effects of Boko Haram conflict, strengthen social cohesion, and rehabilitate infrastructure and restore service delivery to the people of North-East region of the country. The targeted beneficiaries include IDPs, Host communities, Returnees and most vulnerable members of the society.

In terms of implementation, MCRP is, at the national level, coordinated by Program Management and Coordination Cell (PMC) under North-East Recovery and Stabilization Program (NERSP), while at the state level, it is coordinated by State Project Coordination Units (PCUs) and the project became effective in the state January 16, 2018. The project is closely working with all relevant MDAs and other key stakeholders to ensure effective implementation of interventions.

We are all aware that, Boko Haram insurgency in the North East has affected nearly 15 million people since 2009, and due to the violence, more than 20,000 lives have been lost, and over two million people have been displaced. It may, therefore, interest you to note that MCRP is a very comprehensive recovery project aimed at addressing humanitarian and development challenges posed by the insurgency which is also in-line with Yobe state Integrated Recovery plan tailored on the principles of improving community’s physical, social and economic resilience. 

Female beneficiaries waiting to collect their items

The project has four (4) key components as follows:

1.   Strengthening Peace Building, stability and Social Cohesion (to provide basic necessity kits, restore access to productive assets by providing agricultural inputs and livestock for farming families and trading commodities for non-farmers, establishing Peace Groups in communities and implementing social cohesion activities.

2.   Rehabilitation of Physical and Social Infrastructure (in the areas of health, education, water & sanitation, transport and public building).

3.   Technical Assistance and Capacity Building and;

4.   Contingent Emergency Response component (to will allow for rapid reallocation of project funds in the event of a natural or man-made crisis in the future, during the implementation of the project, to address such eligible emergency needs)

From the aforementioned components of the project, it can be seen that MCRP is designed in recognition of the fact that, as a result of BH conflict, individuals have lost their productive assets and means of livelihoods, hence the need for support and provision of household non-food items to the affected populations. The conflict has inflicted huge damages and losses on the physical infrastructure in the NE states, social services have been interrupted or deteriorated in many places. Roads and bridges have been damaged, schools have been burnt down, health facilities have been vandalized and looted, water and sanitation infrastructure (including boreholes) have been damaged and public buildings (including local government secretariats) have been destroyed across the region. Therefore, the importance of MCRP component 2 in contributing to the rehabilitation of infrastructure and restoring service delivery cannot be overemphasized.

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, today’s occasion marks the official flag off of distribution of transitional support to beneficiaries including IDPs, host communities, returnees and most vulnerable people. The intervention is meant to increase and improve access to basic necessity kits for stabilization and restore immediate access to productive assets to restore means of livelihood. Under this transitional support, we are reaching out to Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty (8,960) beneficiaries in the eight (8) local government areas of Gujba, Gulani, Fika, Potiskum, Damaturu, Tarmuwa, Gaidam and Yunusari. The beneficiaries for this intervention were targeted through vulnerability criteria application that is socially inclusive, pro-poor and transparent, with local community participation in beneficiaries’ selection and third party validation. As a matter of fact, 60% of the beneficiaries are women. The female and child headed households, People with Disability (PWD) and special needs were also prioritized.

The Agric inputs

The transitional support has four (4) packages as follows:
     i.        Non Food Items (NFI) comprising of mattresses, cooking wares, hygiene kits, clothes and mosquito nets (among others)
    ii.        Agricultural inputs including fertilizer, improved seeds and farming tools
  iii.        Small ruminants: Goats, sheep, and;
  iv.        Non Agricultural livelihoods kits which include small non-motorized machines to re-start quick to market trading

Let me use this opportunity to call on all beneficiaries to make good use of the support to be provided and to resist any temptation to sell them and ensure full utilization of the materials. An electronic token with Barcode is being introduced for distribution of the materials containing adequate information on the beneficiaries, items to be provided to them and their quantities. The token system will also guard against impersonation and ensure adequate retrieval and tracking for effective monitoring.

MCRP is an accountable project and the first line of accountability is to the beneficiaries. Therefore, a grievance redress mechanism (GRM) is inbuilt in the project and is being implemented through Grievance Redress Committees in all benefitting communities who receive complaints or grievances arising from project activities and resolve justly at various levels from community to the LGA and the PCU in a transparent manner for the interest of all.

At this juncture, permit me to use this opportunity to inform this gathering that, in-line with our cardinal objective of strengthening peace building and social cohesion, the project has mobilized 78 communities in the frontline LGAs to form community and LGA peace groups that will create convergence mechanism to promote social integration. We will build the capacities of these groups in community peace building practice to enable them initiate social cohesion activities such as cultural and sporting events that will address key drivers of conflict. The groups will also initiate and implement other social activities that promote common identities and inter group relations, organize various violence prevention and de-stigmatization campaigns as well as facilitate dialogue, conciliation and mediation to promote peaceful coexistence and forestall reoccurrence of violence.
On this note, I would like to commend the understanding, commitment and support of the local traditional leadership and the local government councils in the formation of the peace groups at the community and LGA levels.

I am also pleased to inform you that, our intervention for the restoration and improvement of critical service delivery infrastructure will also commence soon. Already 58 sub-projects have been assessed under this component in the health, education, WASH and public building sectors. Consultations with stakeholders and people affected by the project were conducted in all the communities of intervention to obtain feedback while the project sites have also been screened for environmental and social impacts in line with World Bank Safeguard policies.

I am indebted to commend the tremendous support rendered by Yobe state Government in facilitating the smooth take off of the project in the state. The support are too numerous to mention, but few to be highlighted are signing of the subsidiary agreement for the commencement of the project in the state and provision of befitting office complex. The government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) have been proving valuable information which informed our State Investment Plan (SIP) to give strategic direction to our intervention.

I would like to, therefore, call for continuous collaboration and synergy with the MDAs to enable the project achieve its objectives. I am also extending similar call to all our partners – the UN Agencies working in the state, International Non-governmental Organizations, charities and foundations, local non-governmental organization, traditional institutions and Civil societies. Information sharing is very critical in planning intervention as it eliminates duplications, waste of resources and energy.

I cannot possibly end this address without thanking our guests from the national office Abuja, MCRP Borno and Adamawa and all partners and stakeholders here present for honouring us by attending this occasion. To all of you – MCRP Yobe-PCU is grateful.

Let me also thank the Maisandari Community Leaders and all the people of the community for their support and cooperation.

Finally, on behalf of Yobe MCRP Project Coordination Unit (PCU), I thank all of you for attending this occasion. We sincerely thank His Excellency, The Executive Governor of Yobe state Hon. Mai Mala Buni for showing personal interest in this project. We wish you all, safe return to your various destinations.

Thank you for listening!


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