100 days: Gov. Buni inaugurates 5000 jobs trailer park in Potiskum

Gov. Buni performing the foundation laying ceremony of the Potiskum Truck Transit Park

Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni today performed the foundation laying ceremony of the Potiskum Truck Transit Park in Postiskum, one of the largest commercial towns in Yobe State as part of activities to mark his hundred days in office as governor.

The Truck Transit Park which is a partnership project of the Yobe State Government and the Nigeria Shippers Council according to the governor is estimated to provide 5000 direct jobs to unemployed youth of the state.

Performing the ground breaking ceremony at Potiskum, this afternoon, governor Buni emphasised the importance bringing the trucking business under one roof and the sitting of  the project at Potiskum, which he noted has the highest volume of truck business in northern Nigeria.

“We reckoned that as the town with possibly the highest concentration of trailer trucks in the whole of northern Nigeria, Potiskum would be a lot better if we established a Park where the ever-growing trucking business is brought under one roof. If we did that, we believed Potiskum would be a lot cleaner and less congested.

“As noted by the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Shippers’ Council in his speech a few moments ago, we also reckoned that the Potiskum Truck Transit Park is going to support up to 5000 direct jobs. These jobs and their positive spin-offs will certainly transform wealth creation in Yobe State and improve the economy overall,” Gov. Buni said.

Gov. Buni also noted that his government will provide an enabling environment for an excellent relationship with the private sector to enhance the overall productivity and wellbeing of the his people, stressing that, “As we all know, economies that do better are those that take investments in the wellbeing of their people seriously. Whenever the government and the private sector work harmoniously together, overall productivity among the populace tends to rise, and this always results in a prosperity that is widely shared”.

He added that; “I want to assure all our partners that the Yobe State Government will continue to take all measures necessary to provide a friendly investment climate in our state.  Through the Public-Private Partnership and other such arrangements, we will intensify our effort to promote economic growth and provide more job opportunities for our people”.

He also pledged to ensuring the success of the project, saying that, “we will ensure that clean, drinkable water, electricity and access road are provided to the site when completed, so that the Potiskum Truck Transit Park is ready for business from the very start”.

The governor thank the board of Shippers Council of Nigeria, the National Union of Road Transport Workers and the National Association of Road Transport Owners, and the people of Potiskum for making the ceremony a reality.

 Earlier in his speech, the Executive Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Shippers’ Council, Hassan Bello said, Potiskum and Koko/Jega Truck Transit Park are  some  of the new Transit Parks that the council has indentified for  development  in the country including another total of about 22 others across the country undergoing development.

He noted that Potiskum has the characteristics that qualify it to have a vibrant Truck Transit Park.

“Potiskum has a vibrant cattle market which is the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a major gate to neighbouring countries of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger Republic. The prospects of the project are therefore very bright,” Bello noted.

While explaining the importance of the composition of the typical Truck Transit Park, Mr. Bello noted that, “The Truck Transits Park is a modern road transport infrastructures designed for the safety of cargo and standardization of truck driving. It is a public rest area located off the road, designed to provide temporary rest locations for drivers. It is primarily intended for short term safety breaks and also long term services in high-use corridors.

“The aim of the of the Truck Transit Park is to ensure that Truck Operators obtain some measure of safety and comfort while in transit and also reduce the rate of Road Traffic Crashes among articulated vehicles on the road”.

He added that the Park will be made up of a fuel/gas station. Mechanic workshops, Hotels/motels, shops, Recreation Centres, Banking Facilities, Training Centres, Garage/parking slots, security, safety officer and fire fighter, well designed roads network within the park, electricity and portable water and medical facilities such as clinics.


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