Counter insurgency: Maiduguri to host International Workshop on Civil–Security relations

Worried by the deteriorating relationship between the security agencies, the civilian population and humanitarian actors working in the north-eastern part of Nigeria devastated by the Boko Haram insurgency, the  Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management  and Social Development has concluded arrangement to host  an International  Workshop on ‘Improving Civil-Security Cooperation(CIESEC) in the Northeast Theatre of Conflict’.
The International Workshop which is scheduled to take place between 6th -8th November, 2019 in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, one of the epicentres of the Boko Haram crisis will pull together experts from Government, Military, Academia, Civil Society Organisations (CSO) and the International Community on one table to address the issues and proffer solutions to a better synergy among the actors in the theatre.
The high level engagement according to a statement from the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs,  Disaster Management and Social Development  is expected to come out with the following outcomes:
i). Identify issues that hinder information sharing and common priorities and complementarity between
security institutions and humanitarian organisation
ii). To recognize challenges in implementing the existing CISEC frameworks and to put forward strategies to overcome such challenges.
iii). To outline a plan of action defining the responsibility of security institutions and humanitarian agencies in implementing the proposals on cooperation.
ImpactOnlineNigeria recalled that the frosty relationship and growing mistrust among the civil population, the security and humanitarian actors in the northeast has adversely affected smooth coordination of humanitarian activities at the expense of the affected population.
The failing relationship has even led to military sanctions on some INGOs who are allegedly  accused of working with the insurgents to sabotaging military operations in the region.


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