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Sallah: Gov. Buni tasks muslims on the lessons of Ramadan, urges prayers

Governor Mai Mala Buni of Yobe State has called on Muslim faithful to continue to imbibe the lessons of even as they mark the Eid-el-fitr Sallah celebrations.

Gov. Buni in his Sallah broadcast message  to the people of the state also congratulated Muslims for a successful Ramadan fast and urge the people to continue to pray both for the state and the country at large.

“Although the Ramadan fast is over, we should continue to be guided by the lessons of peace, love, humility, sympathy and charity as preached by the one month religious obligation.

"As a people, we have every reason to be thankful to Allah (Swt) for the gift of life and good health to witness this day.

"Recently, we were faced with a challenge. We have individually and collectively lost loved ones, we pray Allah (swt) grant them eternal rest in Aljanatur Firdaus and, to their relations, the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss,” Gov. Buni said.

The message also conveyed the gratitude of the governor to the people of the state for keeping faith with his government at this critical time.

 "I want to use this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to you the good people of Yobe state, for keeping faith with this administration.

"Your kind prayers and steadfastness in this government has given us the encouragement to remain focused in the discharge of our responsibilities" he said.      
He urged the people to continue praying for the state and nation to seek Allah’s protection and guidance.

"Once more, let me assure you that this administration will continue to give security to lives and property, economic well-being, infrastructural development and general prosperity of the people, the desired attention",  Buni pledged.


Yobe SUBEB rewards dedicated staff

Prof Alabe presenting gifts to the staff
It was a moment of surprise as well joy for dedicated staff of Yobe State Universal Basic Education Board.

The surprise came yesterday as the Executive Chairman of the board, Professor Musa Alabe decided to reward about fifteen punctual staff of the board with some monetary token.

Prof Alabe said he was moved by the dedication of the staff of the board whom according to him are setting a good precedence in Yobe Civil Service.

“I am moved by the show of  dedication of my staff here.  What  we did to the members of staff of the board  is not the money that I gave but a recognition of their hard work and dedication to duty.  I am proud of them all for setting the pace of a good example for other civil servants in the state to follow,” Prof. Alabe said.

One of the beneficiaries, Adamu Sumsuma said they are overwhelmed with the gesture of their chairman and pledge to give in more to add value to the board and total loyalty and cooperation to the Executive Chairman to succeed.

“We are  touched not by the money that we got from our boss but the spirit behind it. This is the first of its kind in this board and we are grateful to our chairman. We will work more to see that he succeeds,” Sumsuma said.

As part of Prof Alabe's leadership sensitivity to gender, the female members of staff were also not left out on the recognition of the Executive Chairman as they were indeed adequately rewarded for their dedication to duty.

"It is particularly gratifying that part of the people that we are rewarding are women. You will agree with me that despite their tight home schedules, some of them still make it early to the office, engage fully at their duty posts  and close at the same time  with us men.

"I am pleased by this show of dedication because an exemplary act of a woman creates a lasting impression and a positive impact on our society," Prof. Alabe said.

The Yobe SUBEB Boss took his time to thank Gov. Mai Mala Buni for the support he has been giving the Board and the Education sector in the State.

"We want to thank His Excellency, Gov. Mai Mala Buni for giving us the opportunity to be of service to the State. The commitment of Gov. Mai Mala Buni to changing the educational narrative of the state is what we are keying into.

"We must support the vision and mission of His Excellency in achieving the NEXT LEVEL agenda of Education in the state. This is a commitment we have all sworn to and we must see to its realisation Isha Allah," Prof Alabe pledged.

ImpactOnlineNigeria  reports that the occasion was attended by board secretary and other directors including subeb staff at the Yobe SUBEB headquarters Damaturu.


YOBE Information Commissioner hits back at Sahara Reporter over falsehood publication against Yobe Govt

Abdullahi Bego, Hon. Comm Information, Yobe State

On Saharareporters’ Counterfactual, Fact-Negative Reporting of Yobe State: Setting the Record Straight
By Abdullahi Bego
Through the many years that it regularly collided with the truth, Saharareporters, that online, anything-goes echo-chamber that passes as a news medium, has earned a reputation of publishing just about anything it wants to often without recourse to the basic journalistic tenets of fact-checking, verification, and balance.
There are two reasons why this is possibly so. First, as a shadowy news organisation based in New York in the United States, Saharareporters does not maintain offices and operational bases in Nigeria. At a time that online journalism was rapidly becoming the most dominant genre in Nigerian journalism, Saharareporters wanted to appear to lead the Nigerian diasporic media space by becoming the number one go-to website on Nigerian news. But without the resources for full editorial presence, without the hard work and rigor to “get it right” as against the need to “get it first”, Saharareporters has repeatedly failed to tower above the petty, remaining entrapped in its motion without movement.
Second, Saharareporters is deeply troubled by its waning relevance. In the past, people could screen-shoot bits of information from SR and then haul them over the internet. Nowadays, there are far more credible, far more authoritative websites that people regularly visit. To try to grab back attention, SR often resorts to deliberate falsehoods and hyperbole.
SR’s craze for fame and for “getting it first” also meant that the website continues to rely on sources that are often conflicted, non-verifiable and downright mischievous. And since they assume that they are legally beyond reproach, being in far-away United States, they see nothing wrong in the ignoble path to disreputable journalism that they sometimes seemed to have chosen.
Before SR’s most recent falsehood about the Yobe State Government, Saharareporters had reported, in the twilight of the Gaidam administration in early 2019, that an amount of six billion naira approved by the state executive council for the continuation of the Damaturu Cargo Airport Project was just money siphoned away, as the administration was ending its tenure.
At that time, as Gaidam’s spokesperson, I wrote a rejoinder and personally contacted Mr Sowore, SR publisher, to publish it as a right of reply. The rejoinder, which was never published despite Mr Sowore promise, sought to correct the litany of errors contained in the initial report that Saharareporters did.
Now, what becomes of the right of reply? Is someone impacted by a report from a news medium not empowered to state their own side of the story?
Here is the bottom-line: Mr Sowore and his fellow-travellers at SR never cared about any truth or verification or ethics or even journalism itself. They cared about nothing like that. They are just a bunch of unprofessional scribblers who have found a way to make a name out of a profession they should have nothing to do with in the first place.
Just recently, for instance, SaharaReporters shamelessly published a story about the Yobe State Government providing official logistical support to its traditional rulers. The story was spun and muddled up to show that the gesture was a waste of public resources when in fact that was not the case.
In Yobe State, as in many places in the North, the traditional institutions are the linchpins that bind the society together. They play incredibly significant roles in community relations, and in the promotion of peace and stability. Therefore, providing logistical support to help them carry on with their defined roles as royal fathers is something that the people of the state understand and support. And it does not detract from other services and obligations that the government discharges on a regular basis.
The argument that providing those vehicles to the emirs somehow pushed the pendulum of our education back stretches credulity. It flies in the face of the unprecedented effort of the Buni administration to retrofit the education sector through massive construction of new infrastructure across the 17 local government areas of the state. The argument falls into irrelevance with the work that is ongoing – from the state of emergency that has been declared in the education sector – to reboot primary and secondary education in Yobe State.
There is no question that primary and secondary education is in a different place in Yobe today as a result of those efforts. And these are things that anyone can see on the ground – from Dapchi to Dokshi, Potiskum to Gashu’a.
Saharareporters’ latest lie that people in their hundreds were dying and being buried in Gashu’a and Potiskum as the COVID-19 pandemic escalates therefore segues with what we know about the medium. It is a way to grab attention, even though they can never vouch for their sources. If SR knows what Gashu’a and Potiskum are as communities, they would not even have made the attempt to write what they wrote.
These are cosmopolitan communities that would surely raise the alarm if a thing like that was happening. But there was nothing like that. And yet without any verifiable sources, SR went ahead to mislead, as usual.
Isn’t it reckless and totally unprofessional that SR would speak about deaths without citing any sources or a coroner’s report? Is that how they do it in the US or in New York where SR is based?
The claim that Gov. Mai Mala Buni was out of the state at the time of the COVID-19 crisis is also a shameless, disgusting stunt. SaharaReporters should be ashamed of itself. Anyone who knows even a scintilla about Yobe State knows that Governor Buni is very much on the ground chaperoning the affairs of the state, especially at this time of great challenges.
The governor went to Abuja only once last week – and that too for just a few days – to consult with President Muhammadu Buhari over security and other important issues.
It is time that SR learns to separate opinion from facts and news from conjecture. It is long past the time that a news medium, wherever it is based, would take its readers or audiences for granted. And the idea that Saharareporters is somehow beyond the law because it is based in the United States is false comfort. As Dr King once said, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it always bends towards justice”.
Bego is Commissioner for Home Affairs, Information and Culture Yobe State.


It is now obvious that the Online publication "Sahara Reporters" has a hidden mission to deliberately cause disaffection between the government and good people of Yobe state through serial lies, baseless concoctions, mischievous and ridiculous fabrications.
Just recently, Sahara Reporters shamelessly published a feebled and inexcusable figment of its imagination condemning vehicles purchased by the state government for traditional rulers, alleging that schools were left unattended, while they have at no time been close to Yobe state.
It is most disgusting, misleading, completely inaccurate and professionally reckless to manufacture figures of said deaths in the state and dish it out for public consumption without any authoritative source either from the hospitals, police, relatives of deceased persons or even Cemetry attendants.
Similarly, the claim that His Excellency Hon. Mai Mala Buni was out of the state when his people are dying, was a deliberate lie orchestrated to give the governor a bad name.
For the records, since the report on the outbreak of the Corona Virus-19 Pandemic in Nigeria about two months ago, His Excellency Governor Mai Mala Buni was only in Abuja recently for just three days on the invitation of President Muhammadu Buhari to discuss security issues. He had remained in the state with his people supervising preventive measures to curb possible spread of the scourge.
As a government, we challenged Sahara Reporters to come to Yobe state and visit our schools and see the transformation that has taken place under the state of emergency programme declared on education by the Governor Mai Mala Buni administration.
We equally challenged Sahara Reporters on its unprofessional and unethical modus operandi where unsubstantiated stories are written without attribution to sources in all its publications against the state. The basic rule of fair hearing and balancing seem to be alien to the Sahara Reporters journalism.
If outright blackmail remains the only style of its journalism, this administration will not succumb to cheap blackmail but will remain focused to its mandate of serving the people better. It is also glaring that Sahara Reporters has unfortunately taken the path of junk journalism and is already being judged negatively in the peoples' court as evidenced by comments from people of the state and those who follow events in the state.
Mamman Mohammed
DG Press and Media Affairs to H.E.
Yobe Governor

Gov. Buni condoles his Borno collegue over death of Ex gov, Emir

L-R Gov. Buni of Yobe State  and Gov. Zulum of Borno State during the condolence visit in Maiduguri

Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni today met with his Borno State colleague and condole him over the loss of prominent son of the state within a very short time.
Gov. Buni who was on his way from Abuja after meeting with Mr. President in Abuja last week made a brief stop at Maiduguri where he personally meet with Gov. Zulum and conveyed the condolences and sympathies of the government and people of Yobe over the tragedies that have befallen Borno in recent times.
Gov. Buni in his condolence message commiserated with the government and people of Borno over the passing on of the former governor of old Borno State, Mohammed Goni and the Emir of Bama, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Kyari Umar Elkanami.
Recalled that Governor Goni, the second Republic Governor rule Borno when Yobe was yet created.
The condolence message which was made available to journalist by the Director General Press and Media Affairs to Gov. Buni, Mamman Mohammed o described the death of the two leaders as "sad and a great loss to the people".
The governor quoted as telling  Zulum, that late Mohammed Goni had during his administration executed various development projects of which Yobe state was a beneficiary.
"He was a true statesman and astute administrator" Buni said.
The governor also described the late Shehu of Bama as a man of peace and a leader with the respect andfollowership of his people.
"On behalf of my self, government and people of Yobe state, l extend our sincere condolences to the family, government and people of Borno state and, the fortitude to bear the loss."
Governor Mai Mala Buni prayed for the repose of the gentle souls of the departed leaders.







MAY DAY: Yobe NLC donates preventive materials to fights COVID 19

Dr. Aisha Buba, Medical Director Yobe Specialist Hospital collecting Preventive materials of COVID 19 from NLC, Chair Yobe State, Comr Tarbutu

The Nigeria Labour Congress, Yobe State Chapter on Friday donated some preventive materials to Yobe State government as part of their contribution to fight the Corona virus in the state.

The contribution according to the State NLC Chairman, Comrade Muktar Tarbutu is part of the unions activities to mark the 2020 Workers Day Celebration which is marked globally on the 1st of May.

Comrade Tarbutu  said the items donated include face masks, tap buckets, liquid hand wash and hand sanitizers which were  distributed to  Yobe Specialists Hospital Damaturu, Office of the Head of Service and Damaturu motor parks
Yobe NLC officials at the press briefing

Making the presentation to the Gen. Sani Abatcha Specialist Hospital, the State NLC boss said  the items were meant to  complement Yobe state government's efforts to assist people and reduce the spread of COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

receiving the items onbehalf of the hospital, Dr. Aisha Buba, the Medical Director of the hospital expressed her appreciation on half of the hospital management and Yobe state government.

“This is very good gesture and it has shown philanthropism at the highest order. You have shown that humanity is your priority. 

“By God Grace we will try as much as possible to use the items to prevent COVID-19 pandemic in this specialist hospital and Yobe States in general.”, she said.

Earlier at a press briefing, , the NLC Chairman, praised the efforts of  Yobe state government for the  proactive steps it took to contain the outbreaks of the pandemic in the state, stressing that; “NLC appreciated and commended the concerted effort put in by Yobe Government under the stewardship of Mai Mala Buni for proactively taking measures to contain the outbreak of the disease in State”.

He called on  workers in the state both  public and private organisations to celebrate the occasion from home while adhering to strict safety measures against COVID-19 as outlined by health personnels.

The Chairman also reminded the State Government to immediately implement the full payment of the consequential salary adjustment as soon as the pandemic is over and the revenue of the state improves.

Our correspondent observed that the event was not mark with the usual funfair as just a few officials of the NLC attended the press briefing.



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