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Former Yobe NUJ Secretary, Rajab Mohammed emerges council chairman

Rajab Mohammed, new NUJ Chairman, Yobe State

From JOE Hemba 

 The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Yobe State Council today elected Mr. Rajab Mohammed, the former Secretary of the council as Chairman. 

 Mr. Rajab defeated his closest and only opponent, Mohammed Garudole with 189 votes as against 68 votes.

 Mr. Alhassan Sule Mamudo also emerged as the Secretary of the council having defeated his two opponents, with a wide margin of 158 as against his two rivals who scored 72 and 14 votes respectively. 

The post of Vice Chairman went to Mohammed Kalusha Bukar. All the other posts were returned unopposed.

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Rajab described the election as free, fair and credible.

He enjoined all members to rally round his leadership to make him succeed, "stressing that, electioneering and politics is over. It is now time for work," 

Earlier, the Zonal Vice President of the Union, Comrade Alhassan Yahaya called on the new leadership to carry everyone along.

He advised them to hold regular congresses and focus more on training and retraining of journalists.

In his remarks, the outgone Chairman Alhaji Yusuf Isa said he is leaving a united union in the state. He called on the in coming to continue to galvanised the support of members so as to sustain the tempo.


OPINION: Mai-Mala Buni:_ Celebrating The Peoples' Governor at 53

*_Mai-Mala Buni:_ Celebrating The Peoples' Governor at 53* 


"No wise man ever wished to be younger."


The above quote by Jonathan Swift resonates within my mind as I joined millions of Yobeans and Nigerians, generally, to celebrate with an illustrious son of Yobe - His Excellency Governor Mai Mala Buni, the 4th Democratically elected Governor of Yobe state, who clocked 53 a few days ago.


It is said that life is not all about your age. Life is about living. 


So, when your birthday comes, you ought to be thankful for the years that have just passed and anticipate with a happy heart what the coming year will bring.


When God in His infinite Mercy created man, the first gift He gave him was Life. And God has enjoined every Muslim, as clearly stated in the Islamic holy book, to show appreciation for every blessing given to them.


In the Holy Quran Chapter 14 Verse 7 Allah says: "If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favour.."


So it is not out of place to join our leader and Governor in celebrating and thanking God for sparing his life to see yet another year of his glorious life. Attaining a Golden age and even adding more years to them calls for more than a celebration with our kindhearted and leader of the masses. It is not very common in Nigeria to have a leader that is down to earth in his approach to governance.


I join in celebrating His Excellency Governor Buni because he has in the spate of the shortest time he has been in office proven his worth as a good leader. This he practically exemplified through his style of leadership.


To my mind and understanding, Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work. And His Excellency has, without any iota of doubts, proven so even in the calibre and quality of people he brought from all walks of life, to work with him.


Yobe is kept on the path of being a working state today because Governor Mai Mala Buni has proven that the greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things, but the one that gets the people to do the greatest things as directed


As an academician, I believe in the philosophy of His Excellency who has always insisted that to add value to others, one must first value others. Our Governor values people and every day bringing the best out of Yobeans.


Though Governor Mai Mala appreciates associating with people who add value to his works, he remains a true leader who has the confidence to stand alone; the one who has unimpeachable courage to make tough decisions, and the one who has the unparalleled compassion to listen to the needs of others.


Governor Buni does not only set out to be a leader for its sake, but he becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. 


 I do not intend to write a scholarly piece here because I am a professor. My message here is simple. To celebrate a worthy leader who understands the secrets of Allah’s blessing and his responsibility to lead a people whom Allah has entrusted in his care.


For lack of space and to avoid keeping my readers for too long, I will rather focus this writeup on the strides that Gov. Buni is making in the sector of education which is my constituency.


When Governor Mai Mala assumed the governance of Yobe in 2019, his first major outing was the convocation of a first of its kind Yobe State Education Summit. And at the end of the highly rewarding submit he assured Yobeans and Nigerians in general that all recommendations made by the Summit would be implemented to the letter.


One of the first steps taken in that direction was his approval of mass recruitment of qualified teachers following national and international best practices.


The Governor had clearly warned that equal opportunities should be given to all qualified Yobeans and Nigerians to apply and employed. He said the recruitment should be done without recourse to profiling any applicant base on who he or she is; or where he or she comes from. He warned that no favouritism or God-fatherism consideration would be tolerated.


We do not want to favour anybody, we just want to have the best for Yobe and that is the instruction of His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Yobe State.


He said what defines his "next level", The Mai Mala Next Level should be "doing things in line with the national and international standard".


The Governor of Yobe has reiterated, time without number that if we want to maintain our standard have to adopt some strict measures. 


The Governor has deployed his legendary act of convincing people even in the most difficult times of decision making, in explaining to politicians that though this is a political era, Yobe cannot afford to mortgage the future of its children by keeping the standard low. And to everyone's surprise, all the political big wigs did not only agree with him, they even assume ambassador of such ideology.


The only way forward for Yobe's educational sector is to change the narratives while thinking outside the box. What we are doing now is bringing lofty ideas from outside the box. It is no longer business as usual.


The declaration of a state of emergency on education was the best thing that has happened to Yobe state. When a state or a sector of it is in the state of emergency, the norms are set aside for uncommon application of elixirs that will salvage it.  


Today Education in Yobe has not only been brought out of comatose. It is now fastly bouncing back and regaining its rightful place amongst the comity of its contemporaries.


It is the vision of Governor Mai Mala; and it is our shared vision too, that when you educate people, you take down barriers. You help them see what it’s like in other situations, cultures and countries. You create a world that is more tolerant of differences and accepting of all.


Of course, the Governor is fully aware that education is a long term investment; the time and money you put in, the courage you have to move through challenges and persevere. But investment in education will keep paying off for the rest of your life.


It is for this reasons and many more happening in virtually all sectors of Yobe state that I stand to join the Governor of the People as he marks his 53rd Birthday.


*Professor Musa Alabe is the current Chairman of Yobe State Universal Basic Education Board and former Vice Chancellor, Yobe State University and Pioneer Dean Faculty of Engineering Bayero University, Kano.


FG's 10,000 Housing Units, A Boost To Borno's Resettlement Plan - Gubio

Engr. Mustapha Gubio, Hon. Comm RRR

 From Melvin Ibe, Maiduguri 

 The Borno State Commissioner of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resettlement ( RRR ), Engr. Mustapha Gubio has said that the 10,000 housing units approved by president Muhammadu for the internally displaced persons (IDPs) is a great boost to the resettlement plan of the State government. 

 This even as Gubio charged all returnee IDPs to ensure maintenance of houses allocated to them and abide by security situation as advised by the military in their respective communities. 

 The commissioner said this on Tuesday in Maiduguri while interacting with newsmen on modalities for the construction of the housing units for IDPs in the State.

 He said government will consider the affected communities where the Boko Haram terrorists caused much damages in construction of the houses, adding that thousands of IDPs are already resettled in completed housing units. 

 He said:" Some of the IDPs left home about 10 years ago .Most of the structures they led behind have been destroyed, they are going to see entirely new structures. That is why we are calling upon them to maintain the structures and abide by security situation, as advised by the military, so that gradually peace shall absolutely return." 

 Gubio said with the 10,000 housing units being constructed by the federal government as well as others already built by the state government, all IDPs camps within Maiduguri metropolitan and Jere local government areas would be decongested before May 2021. 

 He said being that the IDPs are getting frustrated over condition of life in the camps , the State will relocate IDPs from the decongested camps to any of the completed housing units across the local government areas , adding that since it is not feasible for some of them to return to their ancestral homes now, they would be camped in any of the available homes irrespective of their local government areas of origin.

 " Some of them are tired of living in the camps,so even if not in their ancestral homes, they will like to at any available home," Gubio said.  

On resettled Baga IDPs, the Commissioner said over 5000 IDPs have been rehabilitated back to their ancestral homes in Baga, adding that each returnee IDP is usually given N50,000 cash as a starter pack, in addition to food and non food items that are provided for them. 

 " Construction of houses in Marte is about 95 percent completion. Road rehabilitation is going on with road clearing, and God willing, Marte IDPs will be relocated back home this month end. 

Construction of the town is 95 percent completed and the security situation there is calm. 

 " I want to commend the military ,other security agencies for their commitment and sacrifice in restoring peace to Borno and Northeast," he said.


16 Days of Activism: CARE International Leads Crusade on Gender Based Violence in Yobe


Dr. Kagu Abubakar, one of the leading voice against GBV in Yobe  with other activist at the event

From  JOE Hemba, Damaturu 

CARE International in Nigeria on Wednesday has expressed her concern that, Gender Based Violence (GBV) remains a critical rights violation committed against people based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

 Speaking at the Launch of the 16 days of activism in Damaturu, the Yobe state capital, Manager, Department of State, CARE Nigeria, Nubwa Chama explained that , GBV is often used as a tool to dominate and intimidate, to reinforce gendered inequalities among and across groups through family and peer pressures; policies and programs that criminalize certain sexualities, or powerful social norms that perpetuate child marriage.

 Her words: "I am pleased to share with you the heartbeat of CARE in Nigeria, on this great occasion of the launch of 16 days of activism and leading the campaign on Gender Based Violence (GBV) here in Yobe state. 

"CARE in Nigeria has long stood for its code of conduct, describing our value of Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Excellence and Equality, and the undertakings that unite CARE staff around the world and keep our programs firmly directed towards fighting poverty especially amongst women and girls.

 "At CARE, we work to address multiple forms of GBV through Intimate partner relationships and violence, Child and early forced marriage and other harmful traditional practices, Social norms related to toxic masculinities, homophobia and transphobia, and Gendered economic exploitation and exclusion." 

Narrating CARE’s experiences, she regretted that GBV has been used to control and stop people from entering the work force or making choices about their lives-including decisions related to sexual and reproductive health, their food and nutrition. 

"Gender Based Violence is a driver and a consequence of social and political exclusion, conflict, gender inequality and poverty.

"Affirming the right of women and girls to live a life free from violence is a vital and necessary step toward advancing CARE’s vision of a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security. 

Some GBV activists 

"In CARE’s experience, GBV can undermine the effectiveness of health, education, agriculture and other programs; for instance, when the threat of violence keeps certain people from participating or accessing services based on their gender status or sexuality,"She added. 

Sighting some cases, she said development interventions can also trigger violence. 

"When women’s income, public participation or mobility are perceived as threatening and cause backlash in households. Given how interventions across sectors interact with people of different genders, monitoring, mitigating and responding to GBV is important for ethical and effective programming in all development and humanitarian work. 

"We must constantly be alert to gaps between policies and practice and work to close them," She said.

Prof. Alabe Inspects Multi-Million Naira Potiskum/Damaturu Mega Primary Schools

Prof. ALABE with some of the construction workers at the Damaturu Mega School

By  JOE Hemba, Damaturu

 The Executive Chairman Yobe State Universal Basic Education (YB-SUBEB) today took the inspection of the Multi-million naira Mega Primary Schools under construction at Potiskum and Damaturu. 

 Recall that Yobe State under its new vision of Gov. Mai Mala Buni in his resolve to changing the negative narrative of educational backwardness in the state declared a state of emergency on Basic and Primary Education leading to the birth of the Mega Primary Schools which are to be constructed in the three senatorial districts of the state. 

 Poised to ensure the quality of work and speedy completion of the project, the YB-SUBEB boss, Prof. Alabe is not resting on his oars as he continues to embark on un-scheduled inspection of the projects. 

 Prof Alabe after one of such visits at the Potiskum and Damaturu construction sites today expressed satisfaction at the progress of work so far. 

 “As you can see, the work is progressing speedily and satisfactorily took”, Prof Alabe said. 

Prof. Alabe on inspection 

 He however regretted the high cost of building materials in recent times but vowed that the project must continue.

" It was our intention to have the Mega School at very modest cost but the cost of building materials have skyrocketed in the last few weeks and affected all construction project nationwide, nevertheless, we have to continue with the projects,” Prof. Alabe assured.


Yobe Desert Stars FC begins pre-season campaign ahead of next season

Dr. Ago in over-all track suit addressing the player athletes at the August 27 stadium Damaturu

 From JOE, Hemba  Damaturu  

Yobe Desert Football Club have concluded plans to embark on the pre-season campaign ahead of the resumption of football activities and the restart of the Nations league. 

 The Chairman of the club who is also the commissioner for Youth and Sports Development in the State, Hon. Goni Bukar while fielding questions from journalists in Damaturu disclosed that all arrangement are in top gear for the pre-season following approval from the governor. 

 “Gov. Mai Mala has approved that the team embarks on a pre-season competition. This preseason competition mean so much for us because it will help us to select a better team for ourselves ahead of the resumption of the new season. 

 “Like I said before, my dream is to bringing Yobe Desert back to the country’s premier league without delay. So for us this preseason cannot be taken for granted at all", the commissioner said.

 According to the commissioner, Yobe Desert Stars are expected to compete with Wikki Tourists Football club of Bauchi and Plateau United of Jos.

 The pre-season is expected to start on Monday 23rd November, 2020. 

 In a related development, The Director of Sports Dr. Abubakar Ago yesterday addressed a team of Yobe athletes preparing for the Edo 2020 National Sports Festival.

 Dr. Ago on behalf of the Honorable Commissioner for Youth, Sports and Social Development, Rt. Hon. Goni Bukar told the athletes that Yobe State is committed to their welfare and will provide all the needed support for the team to excel at the Sports fiesta. 

 The athletes comprising of para-athletes and other long distance races assured to make the state proud by coming home with medals.

 Dr. Ago while explaining the importance of sports said he was encourage by their show of commitment and enthusiasm.

 Mohammed Kolo of the Yobe Athletic team also described the spirit and the enthusiasm of the athletes as “fantastic”.

A National Level five IAF coach who specialises in Long Distance Race and other athletic coaching is confident that his team will win gold medals at the festival in Edo State come December. 

 As part of the robust preparation, Mr. Kolo said two Yobe athletes put up very impressive performances at the Kaduna Half International Marathon Race where both fell in the first top ten of the race. 

 He disclosed that one of the athletes, Martha Stephen came fourth in the Female category, while Haruna Jambo 8th in the male category. 

 Speaking on the number of athletes that he requires for the competition, Mr. Kolo said, I need ten athletes and two para-athletes so we will be having a team of 12 athletes in total for Edo.

Edo 2020: I will make Yobe proud to defend my tittle - 100m para-athletic defending champion vows

 From JOE Hemba, Damaturu 

The National Sports festival 100m para-athletic Champion, Yakubu Hussaini Dadi has vowed to defend his title for the forth-coming National Festival scheduled for Edo State in December this year.

Yakubu who hails from  Yobe won the title in the last festival that was held in Abuja, the Nation’s capital.

Speaking in an  interview with ImpactOnlineNigeria  on Saturday at the August 27th Stadium in Damaturu after trials preparation for Edo state, Yakubu promised to make Yobe State proud by retaining the title as the most fastest para-athletic in Nigeria. 

“By the grace of God, I am going to retain the title of the most fastest para-athletic in Nigeria in Edo state. You will recall that I won the cold medal in Abuja during the last festival and I am confident that I will defend the title and retain it for our Governor, Mai Mala Buni. By the grace of God, I will not disgrace Yobe, I will make the state proud by retaining the title,” Yakubu said.

Yakubu said he was satisfied with the level of preparation by the team and the commitment of the state while calling on Gov. Mai Mala to double his support for sports especially the para-athletic to motivate others and attract more laurels to the state.

Recall that the National Sports Festival which was to be held in March this year but marred by the covid 19 pandemic. The event has been re-scheduled for December.


Breaking: Boko Haram: Borno Set to Unveil 25 year Recovery Development Plan


From JOE Hemba, Maiduguri 

 The Borno State Government is launching a 25 Years Development Plan, articulating key priorities and action plans for short, medium and long term development drive across all sectors in the state. 

 The event is about to start now at the Multipurpose Hall, Borno State Government House, Maiduguri. The auspicious event will be hosted by The Executive Governor of Borno State, Professor (Engr.) Babagana Umara Zulum.

 Other dignitaries expected to grace the event include the Honourable Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Hajiya Zainab Ahmed; • Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Mallam Mele Kyari; • Honourable Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development; Hon. Sadiya Umar • Sen. Kashim Shettima, Senator Representing Borno Central Senatorial District • Amb. Babagana Kingibe (GCON), Former Vice-President-Elect and SGF; • Hajiya Hadiza Mustapha, Chief Registrar, Supreme Court of Nigeria; • Honourable Members of National and Borno State Assembly; • Honourable Commissioners and other senior state officials; • The United Nations Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. Vincent Lelei. 

 The 25-year Borno State Development Plan (BSDP) aims at restoring the age-old honour, dignity, and prosperity of Borno State, while ensuring that all citizens and future generations have access to basic necessities and thrive at every stage of their lives. 

The plan will incorporate a 10- year strategic transformation plan, with the objective of reaching a self-reliant Borno State, with over 70% productive population by 2030. The BSDP is a testament of the state government’s unrelenting commitment to drive stabilization, recovery and development across all sectors despite the devastating impacts of over a decade of insurgency. 

 The Plan will be implemented through nine strategic pillars including human capital development which will prioritize education, social reorientation and skills acquisition, leadership in agriculture, focus on value addition, health that prioritises prevention and primary healthcare under one roof, sustainable environment and regional trade hub driving inclusive growth. 

Other core areas include reconstruction, rehabilitation & resettlement, purposeful infrastructure, accountable governance and peace & security, which cut across all transformation initiatives of the plan. An inclusive and participatory approach was adopted to develop the strategy and development plan which included a joint needs analysis and a consultative workshop to define the objectives and priorities. 

 Details shortly 

Sustaining Water Supply: World Bank Trains 70 on Borehole Maintenance in Yobe

The Project Coordinator, Jidawa (middle) with some of the trainees with their tool  kits

 By JOE Hemba, Damaturu 

The World Bank Northeast recovery program, Multi-Sectoral Crisis Recovery Project(MCRP) for North East Nigeria has commenced the training of about 70 community leaders and mechanics for the management and repairs of solar powered hybrid boreholes in more than 35 communities in Yobe State. 

The training program which was held at Cedar Shopping and Recreation Centre Damaturu is  tagged Village Level Operation and Maintenance(VLOM) will equip the trainees with basic knowledge of maintenance, management as well as encourage community ownership which in the long term enhance sustainability of the projects. 

The Yobe State Project Coordinator of MCRP, Mr. Musa Idi Jidawa while making his presentation at the opening of the training program said the training has become necessary due to the alarming rate of project failure especially in the water sub-sector.

 Mr. Jidawa while quoting from  the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey(MICS) of 2017 by the Federal Government and UNICEF noted the noted the increase in access to rural water supply but however observed that local investments at the states and local government are the only sustainable measures of such tempo. 

“Access to safe water and sanitation is a major challenge in Nigeria. Data from the 2017 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted by Federal Government of Nigeria and UNICEF indicates a 29% increase in access to rural water supply, from 25% in 1990 (JMP) to 54% in 2017. Extending access to improved sources of water to currently unserved population by 2030 will require huge investments. However, in the absence of effective O&M culture at the state level and Local Government Wash Departments/Units at the local governments level, results in frequent breakdown of existing water supply systems. A recent world bank conducted WASH Poverty Diagnostic study reveals that 46% of all water schemes in Nigeria are non-functional (as of 2015) and nearly 30% fail in the first year of operation after construction. Low access to improved water coupled with poor sustainability and low functionality of existing inventory of water supply schemes will further swell the huge budgetary resources required to meet the SDG target on universal access to basic water supply by 2030,” Jidawa said. 

Mr. Jidawa inspecting the tools kit with the rep of the Emir of Damaturu , Engr. Lawan and chairman House Committee on water, Hon. Digma

According to him, the low functionality of the water facilities is attributed to “lack of preventive maintenance, poor quality or non-availability of spare parts, non-availability of trained local area mechanics, absence of caretakers or lack of skills amongst the caretakers, lack of community ownership, vandalization by miscreants,”, stressing that, “there is the urgent need to address the key reasons for low functionality of water facilities so that the communities can get safe and clean drinking water close to their homes”.

 The project Coordinator also expressed delight over what he called the “accelerated development of critical infrastructure in the state under the purposeful leadership of His Excellency Hon. Mai Mala Buni”. 

While setting the objectives of the training, the lead Consultant, Dr. Kachalla Mohammed explained that the basic knowledge from the training will have a multiplier effect on the trainees and the community at larger scale. 

In his good will message, the State House of Assembly Committee Chairman for Water Supply Maina Digma called on the participant to pay rapt attention and transfer the knowledge to the community after their training, just as he praised Governor Buni for his commitment to rural infrastructural development.

 There was another Good will message from His Royal Highness, the Emir of Damaturu who was represented by a title holder in the Emirate, Engr. Maisanda Lawan. 

ImpactOnlineNigeria recalled that MCRP, Yobe State Office had in August convened a meeting of Stakeholders in the water sector and the humanitarian community to draw out a road map on the management and maintenance of water facilities across the state.


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