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Gov. Buni

By Mamman Mohammed

He is either in white or blue colours. These are his two favourite colours. White represents peace while blue represents love. The two colours incidentally reflect the true character of Mai Mala Buni, the Yobe state Governor, a man of peace and love.

Coincidentally, the two colours in the military circle are associated with the Navy. While the Navy is known for its sea force, Buni has proved himself to be a sea force political General, with an uncommon expertise and tactics in overcoming political wild storms, the murky political waters and the turbulent political waves..

Calm, calculated and soft-spoken, Buni approaches every political complication and problem with measured steps to disable the compass of adversaries, rendering ill-motivated path finders of his direction and movements ineffective and clueless. Buni is blessed with the patience to listen, critically observe and analyze situations. He is never in a haste to respond to criticisms. Thus, leaving his adversaries in bewilderment and setting more confusion into their minds. While awaiting his reaction on certain issues or attacks, he moves ahead like the submarine beneath the sea, only to emerge far ahead and successful.

The extraordinarily humble and generous character of Governor Mai Mala Buni, has always attracted so many people to him, comprising the good, the bad and the ugly.  As it is with human nature, some stick to him out of genuine love, others to get what they can, while some, to pretend to love him, get close and eventually backstab him if need be.

It is often said, if you want to test the true character of a man, give him power, knowledge and money. It reveals the true identity of human beings. In Buni, neither power nor money has changed him. He has ever remained humble, accessible, giving, sympathetic and willing to concede for peace to reign and love to thrive.

The last 34 months as a Governor and 18 months as Chairman of the All Progressives Congress Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee, has revealed so many virtues of humility, tolerance, responsibility,  determination and greatness in the man Mai Mala Buni.

The most trying moment of this test however came at the end of his tenure as the chairman of the Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee of the APC, when unsubstantiated  accusations were thrown at him in a bid to provoke him to throw away the bath water along with the baby and to depict him as a failure, and/or for the party to go back to square one, just some  few months to the 2023 general election. But Governor Mai Mala Buni resisted and refused to be provoked and never responded to any of the vituperations. He first called me as his spokesman advising me not to respond to the attacks, then followed with a directive and finally a warning never to say a word on the attacks.

I was perplexed, uncomfortable and confused, looking at the good time and energy Governor Buni had invested to rescue the APC, denying himself some comfort, sacrificing his official and personal time to the party.  As a media man, l wanted the World to hear our side of the story and wondered the wisdom in him shutting me down. Until when Malam Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media, issued a statement cautioning governors and party stakeholders against backstabbing and name calling.  And when finally, President Muhammadu Buhari, declared my principal, Governor Buni, as the authentic chairman to conduct the Convention, l realised the wisdom in doing much work rather than speaking too much. The maxim that "Let your action speak louder for you" readily came to mind.

For lovers of His Excellency Governor Mai Mala Buni, political pundits and adversaries, the APC National Convention, and transmission of power from the CECPC to a substantive National Working Committee, was undoubtedly peaceful and successful. It has made Buni to walk honourably and gloriously in Nigeria's political history as attested by President Buhari who repeatedly said APC has bounced back to life courtesy of the Mai Mala Buni led Caretaker Committee.

Buhari said "I want to congratulate us all for being part of this history making event and to specially appreciate the Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee which has been on a rescue mission, under the leadership of His Excellency the Yobe state Governor, Mai Mala Buni, for successfully piloting the affairs of the party in the last 18 months and organising this Convention to elect a new National Working Committee that will take over from the Caretaker Committee.

"I am glad the party under the Caretaker Committee has bounced back to life with the reconciliation of several key and critical stakeholders and groups, who had hitherto left the party or were on the verge of leaving the party. The reconciliation process gave the aggrieved stakeholders a true sense of belonging and assurance."

The elated President did not hide his positive thoughts about the Buni led committee, saying "it is gratifying that the party recorded massive and unprecedented defections under the Caretaker Committee administration. APC received three sitting Governors, a Deputy Governor, Senators, Members of the House of Representatives and state assemblies, and other key officials from opposition parties who defected along with Millions of their supporters. I am impressed to learn that the membership registration and revalidation exercise undertaken by the Caretaker Committee, has recorded over 41 Million members. This has proved that we are indeed Nigeria's leading and largest political party.  It also exhibits our numerical strength and the potential to win elections at all given times fairly and squarely."

The Buni led CEPC, had among others reconciled feuding critical stakeholders, groups, camps and factions, conducted membership registration and revalidation exercise registering over 41 Million members, wooed three serving governors of Ebonyi State, His Excellency Dave Umahi,  Cross River State, His Excellency Dr. Ben Ayade and Zamfara State, Alhaji Bello Mutawalle along with Millions of their supporters into the party.

Governor Buni with a charming informed the National Convention delegates, observers and onlookers "I am glad to add that the fortunes of the party were further enriched with the defection of former Speakers of the House of Representatives, former PDP national chairman, member PDP Board of Trustees, several Distinguished Senators and Honourable members of the House of Representatives and state assemblies, and several other heavyweights cutting across all the geo-political zones of the country.

"Let me reassure those of you whose defections are being challenged in the courts that you have nothing to fear because your defections did not contravene any law. You will by the grace of God emerge successful and victorious in the superior courts at the end of these litigations. Your wise decision to join APC along with Millions of your supporters shall never be in vain."

The purchase of the APC National Secretariat 'Buhari House' is no doubt a monumental achievement by the CECPC as this has permanently settled the accommodation challenges of the nine year old political party when compared to 23 years and above political parties with lots of resources but yet to own permanent Secretariats.

The engagement of women, Youth and People Living With Disabilities by the Buni led CECPC in the affairs of the party, makes APC different in terms of all inclusiveness in Nigeria's democracy.

And not to be forgotten is the successful conduct of the ward, local and state Congresses, as well as the  amendment of the party's constitution. This provides a solid, stable and unwavering platform for the just concluded peaceful, successful, rewarding and fruitful National Convention of Africa's largest political party, the APC.

The ground preparation by the Buni led Committee for APC, has no doubt lessened internal problems, narrowed down animosities, resuscitated party loyalty and supremacy. Unarguably, the Abdullahi Adamu led National Working Committee has the advantage and capacity to build on these fortunes for a successful ride to victory in the 2023 general election.

Mamman is the DG, Press and Media Affairs To Governor Mai Mala Buni.


OPINION: The Disgruntled Governors in APC and Gov. Buni’s Scorecards

Hon. Bukar Adamu, Damaturu/ALGON Chair, Yobe State
 My intention here is not to cast aspersion on any politicians in our great party, the All Progressive Congress(APC), nonetheless, my focus is to set the records straight by educating millions of Nigerians and our teaming supporters on the parallel political manoeuvring of some governors who are bent to seize the party machinery and manipulate the process for their selfish ambitions.

 Alhamidillahi, they have failed woefully! 

 There is no doubt that our party is facing an existential crisis in the buildup to the 2023 general elections. These crises is not isolated to our dear APC alone nor Nigeria as a country, It is an international phenomenal with a classical example of the election of Donald Trump in the US. 

 It is instructive for our leaders to know that Crisis in many ways is endemic to parties as they battle over losing elections, retaining members and finding suitable leaders. Indeed, it is easy to mistake the everyday waxing and waning of parties fortunes for a more profound crisis. Crisis takes us beyond the common explanations of social factors to illuminate how political parties actively shape national stability as well as breakdown it down because the party system itself is unable to absorb an existential challenge to its power. 

 In 1796, President George Washington dropped a hard warning to political parties for allowing "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men" to "subvert the power of the people".

Over 200 years ago, that indictment this greatest statesman seems brutally timely today with the action of the rebellious governors from our great party whom even after the smooth transmission of power by our Acting Party Chairman, Gov. Mai Mala Buni before his medical trip abroad decided to unjustifiably hijack the party machinery of the APC and started ridiculing the party in the face of all patriotic Nigerians.

 It’s an unarguable fact that the Gov. Buni led Caretaker Committee of our great party has made giants strides which are unprecedented in the history of not just our great party but to the democracy especially taking into account when and how he took over the helms of affairs of the party from his predecessor Comrade Adams Oshomole. Needless to emphasized here how the APC was sinking in turbulent waters until Gov. Buni’s swift operation which has stabilized the party. 

Within a very short time in the saddle, the APC under Governor Buni became an attractive bride that has brought in three serving Governors from the opposition PDP including former governors, two ex-speakers of House of Representatives, serving and former members of the National Assembly as well as many other influential politicians across the country. 

That facts are sacred speak volumes of the achievements that this consummate politician has done for the APC. 

Apart from the stability that the APC needed as much as the oxygen that we breath which Gov. Buni was able to provide for the party, below is an in-exhaustive list of array of politicians that Gov. Mai Mala Buni brought into the APC within a very short time he assumed the position as the Acting National Chairman of the Party.

1. Gov Matawalle of Zamfara State

2.Gov Prof Ben Ayade of Cross River State

3. Gov David Umahi of Ebonyi State.

4. H.E Gbenga Daniel former Governor of Ogun State and Director General Goodluck Jonathan election 2015. 

5. H.E Nyako , former Governor of Adamawa state 

6. H.E Bala Nglari, fomer dputy governor of Adamawa state.

7. Anambra Deputy Gov into APC 

8. Sen. Emanuel Bwacha into APC. 

9. Sen. Hassan Dambu into APC.

10. Sen. Stella Odua into APC. 

11. Sen. Elisha Abbo into APC.

12. Sen. Abdulazeez Nyako into APC. 

13. Sen. Iyiola Omisore into APC 

14. Sen. Barnabas Gemade into APC.

 15. Sen. Isa Hamma Misau into APC.

 16. Former speaker, Dogara into APC.

 17. Former speaker, Dimeji Bankole into APC. 

18. Former Army chief, Azubuike Ihejirika into APC.

19. Hon. Fani Kayode into APC.

20. Prince Olusegun Adeleye into APC. 

21. Engr Adeola Sosanwo into APC. 

22. Chief Jimoh Ibrahim into APC.

23. Former Head of Service of the Federation, Mr Danladi Kifasi into APC.

24. Alhaji Salisu Takai into APC.

25. Hon. Orubebe into APC.The list is endless.

 Like the legal icons will argue, ‘you cannot put something on nothing and expect it to stand’. Our leader President Mohammadu Buhari has spoken. Gov. Buni as an unrepentant democrat is stronger than ever and solidly committed to the success of the APC both at the forth coming National Convention and the General Elections come 2023.

Written by Hon. Bukar Adamu, Executive Chairman, Damaturu Local Government Area, Chairman ALGON, Yobe State.

APC Crisis: Former lawmaker cautions APC over Gov. Buni's removal , says, he Deserves Better Treatment from party

Rt. Hon. Goni Buka

By JOE Hemba

A former Member of House of Representatives  from  Yobe State Rt. Honorable Goni Bukar popularly known as BUGON said  Gov. Mai Mala Buni deserves a better treatment from the ruling  All Progressive Congress(APC) than what is playing out at the moment.

According to the former Lawmaker, the people of Yobe, despite the current happenings at the leadership of the party still remain proud of Gov. Mai Mala’s achievements in stabilising the party and setting it on a sound footing for the next general election come  2023.

BUGON who spoke with journalists in Damaturu on Friday called on the APC to be more honorable in handling the leadership crisis than the way they are going about it.

The APC under Gov. Buni he noted has attained greater success and unprecedented  unity which the party cannot afford to compromise within a few days to her  national convention.

“The events that have befell our dear political party, the All Progressive Congress theses few days culminating to leadership struggle has left much to be desired.

“As Muslims, we all believe that  divinity of leaders is  a function of the act of Allah. Just like life, He is the giver of leadership and He alone can take it when He so desires, nonetheless, the vaulting ambition of men especially in Nigeria has clearly demonstrated man’s quest for power and position not minding the qur’anic injunction.

“Every member of our great party has no doubt in the capacity of Gov. Buni in the running of the affairs of this party since he took over as the Acting Chairman. Gov. Buni in all sense of respect, dedication  and honesty has executed this national assignment with all intent and purposes to the admiration of all party members.

“Through his political craftsmanship Gov. Buni has made the APC , which was almost a sinking ship when he took over the most attractive party in the country.  He has cleverly  silenced the opposition PDP whom he recruited  three  serving Governors from their ranks, two former Speakers of the House of Representatives and several other personalities across the country,” BUGON said.

Rt. Hon.Goni  Bukar, reminded those calling for Buni’s head not to forget easily how the party begged him to come and rescue it when it was in complete ruins some few years ago.

“In 2020, when the APC  was in complete disarray,  submerged in  leadership crises and confusion at  all levels, the President and the party  knew Gov. Buni  was the only Nigerian Politician with  the  requisite capacity of rebuilding the party. They begged him to take the job  and to the glory of Allah, he has done that fantastically  well with  all passion and energy. We are proud of the APC today because of his work. Our confidence as a political party in retaining power in 2023 lies on Gov. Buni’s landmark work for the party,” BUGON stated.

While giving a vote of confidence on Gov. Buni’s performance as the governor of Yobe State and justifying why the people of Yobe are solidly behind their governor, Hon. Bukar enumerated various developmental projects Gov. Buni has embarked on in the last few year which he not noted are public oriented and demand driven particularly in Housing, Health, Commerce, Agriculture, education etc.

“We, the people of Yobe State  stand with our governor and  the party 100%.  As sons and daughters of Yobe, we  will continue to rally round our governor as well as  our resolve and trust in our dear party, the APC, we shall surely  enjoy victory across Nigeria come 2023. Despite the fact that  disagreements will never end in human endeavor, it’s no gainsaying that the APC as the largest and ruling political party will be an exception. We however want to caution that decent and honorable measures should be used to solving such disagreement rather than engaging in reckless antics that will take us back to the dark era of the party,” BUGUN advised.



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